Friday, November 3

Maturity- Part 1

A gal and A boy of the same age, A gal is likely to be more matured !

At first I disagreed, then I agreed and now I disagree again, infact I will correct it.

A gal of lesser age than a boy, still the girl is likely to be more matured !!

Think again...if the gal clearly knows it can't be done, she wont you will agree ... no sane person will. The gals know exactly what they want, they can prioritize stuff and then choose accordingly, weighing one over the other. Gals cry because somebody has hurt them, when words can't help, tears do.

The boy, will try, give his 100 %, even if he knows he will not succeed. He tries not because he wants to succeed, just to make sure he will not have any regrets in future of not trying. He doesn't know what he wants, he cannot priortize. Simply because "all he want is ...everything"
and he cannot decide what he should give up inorder to get what other. Ever seen a boy crying ?? He cries when he has hurt himself, he does not cry when others have, he simply picks himself up and walk forward, cursing and fighting his way !! He cries out of frustration, of not being successful.

So who will say, gals are not mature, they understand all these things. But what to do.. thats how they are made...

I don't want to change, so don't expect me to change for you.
If I change, for the whatever reasons I have to
Don't expect me not to change, because thats what I have to be !

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