Monday, October 9

Maturity...Part another!!

The juice is more important...its healthy ...its tasty..and lasts long. But I like ice-cream..even though..I will have to rush and eat it.. it may mess my clothes also...and maybe my health..but I like ice-cream better!! I know juice is nice, its gud..but so is ice-cream.. I chose Ice-Cream...

It was a wrong it was just a choice...or a simple matter of priority...may be was simply my immaturity!!

Funny, how maturity is defined in so many vague ways...from simple affirmations..anything to everything defines what maturity is...but maybe ..nothing is what it should mean..

"du2: 4 me maturity z wat u hold in brain...
nt in ur personality.......
kid: ur personality is in ur brain also..
but sayin wat in brain is pretty vague is it not ?
du2: datz true..
bt brains m talkin in context of decisions......
bin mature 4 me z u kw hw 2 make decisions...
kid: i think u mean the reasons behind the decisions....
du2: 2 differentiate bw weder u r rite or rong......"

How interesting is the above travels from the the brain..via descisions and there finally weder ones rite or wrong...
Being rite or rong..or what is rite or there a difference....
maybe being rite depends on wat others feel also.. it has that element of affirmation..of getting that so needed nod.. of certain..who have been the role models..
But never, the thought of what exactly one wants, occurs...does north really has to be north.. ?? or does blue looks blue to can be green to many..
and they still call it blue.. cant that be a possibility..

Why is it, if one thing is other can be.. there cant be 2 rites..or 2 wrongs..or can there be ??
There is always one..and only one...way to reach the destination.

The people, whose nod we seek, guide that the path we walk on is safe..not with as many pitfalls...where we may get hurt.
But walking on the more tough roads...knowing you will get also it not?
One may argue..he has the right to know..what so wrong in travelling the paths that have not been travelled...or paths which are difficult.

Is that very nod..the one which affirms to you being it have taken a decision..just because it fits into how the other has thought of it...or is it the reason..behind that reason..the fact of know..where its gonna hurt..and how gonna hurt..because of which..the path is not taken up.

Immature is he...who hurts..where it bad it hurts..but not WHY it hurts...
Ignorant is one..who hurts..but does not know where, how bad or why hurts...
Maturity..may be the reasons..of WHY it hurts...then take the path or not..still rests on the person..
If he does not take he path..he is matured with respect to the present day world also...if he still takes up the path..knowing he will get hurt..and how bad the pain is going to be..he knows why it hurts..and why he still chooses of the path...then he is the kid...who knows ...getting hurt or not...this is the best path..with the beauty of and around the world more clearly visible..despite the and around you..he is the unlimited..!!

At the end.. "Maturity is directly proportional to the amount of embarrassment one can tolerate" -- someone's quote..whose I don't remember !!

NB: Thanx to the people whose chat has been quoted here...

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