Wednesday, November 14

White Nights

I don't know why I liked 'White Nights' in the first place. But as I was reading through it, something in it did bind me, that suddenly I was all respects for Dostoevsky.(Not that previously I hadn't any!!!). There was something in that story that appealed to me, I don't know what exactly. And I wanted to refer it to someone. Thinking back I don't really know why I didn't, but that doesn't matter anymore.

The story is amazing, I know, it won't appeal to many, but somehow, it gave me a lot to reflect upon.

For the character, it was something, like so close and yet so far, the feeling of something slipping which almost within your grasps. Somehow anything that is related to this automatically qualifies as a masterpiece for me. I guess this is why someone called me a pessimist. But I have always had the affinity for the underdog. I have always had great respect for them, for people, with whom life is not fair.

At the end of the story, the author, potrayed it that it could have been a dream. I could not really decide whether the character was dreaming or it happened in the real. It was left to the reader to decide, the uncertainty !!! But I think, now I realise what it actually meant !!!

There was also the desperation, the hope against hope, and taking things the way you want it. It is so very relative and gives a feeling that it is around.

As I said,

trust your instincts

and even though, and still

obey your thirst

PS : I admire this statement by Dostoevsky " I am a sick man ..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*poke* Sorry man, didn't get to say bye bye yesterday on YM. PC shut down all of a sudden and I didn't bother turning it on coz it was sleep time.

Nice blog you have here by the way. I see you've posted a song by Rob Thomas. Love that song - Little Wonders.