Saturday, November 3

The Saint, The Coward and The Human

Aimlessly, Wandering around,
Not being really sure where I am going,
earlier I had the shelter around
Now I just find them waiting for me on the sideways.

Its strange, when others give you advice
and expect you to follow it,
thinking they know what best for you
while they allow someone else to make
the important decisions in there life.

I wonder what intrigues them
is it the path that I take
or is itthe spectacle that I create.

Funny how we are not sure of whats best for us
but we know, exactly, what good for others.

Its amazing, that inspite and despite of your will,
you are still not allowed,
It hurts and it hurts even more
when you are told its done for you.

I usually quote,
"Its your life, and you are suppose to be the most important person in it"

It makes it easier for you to make decisions.

Also its enforces you to think of yourself and only yourself
because others can and will think the best of themselves
Its about time people realise,that, no matter what,
whatever happens in your life,
you and only you,
stand responsible for it.

Selfishness is not only desired, it is necessary,
not only for you, but also for the benefit of others.

and hence I re-quote and re-phrase

"Its your life,
and you are suppose to be the most important person in it,
and no matter what,
you are responsible for everything that goes on in it"

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