Saturday, November 11

I Like you ...means...Who are you !!

Did you know...??
I Like U...what does it mean ??
Well it means Who are you !!

This is a special case, in which I Like U has a meaning that is way away from normal interpretation. The method by which it is concluded can be very controversial, but if a little thought is given, it makes a lot of sense, atleast to me it does.

What do you think two strangers meet, they talk about ?

When two people meet for the first time, and they have a conversation that last more than the regular introducing, their conversation is based merely in knowing each other. A lot of data on personal interests is shared, a lot of likes and dislikes, passions and hobbies. All this data when interpreted in the sense, tells what the persons is, his interest, his passions, the hobbies that he takes up tells a lot about the persons attitude, toward the things he likes. How he feels about certain aspects of life.

But looking at the conversation in a different way, only taking the words we can see being the most dominant words in a conversation between any two people who have met the first time, we can conclude that certain words come up again and again. That is ofcourse after the basic introduction!! (I have only tried to reduce some controversy in adding this line here)

"I have been..blah blah blah...and I am still ...blah blah..but I like...blah should...blah blah ..will like..blah blah.."

Listen to this for some more time you can make out the 3 words ....

These words, tend to be the most dominant in a conversation...
In a way, the overall understanding of the conversation is, each one of the participant tries to find from the other who he is. In other words, every think points in direction of "Who are you"
To facillitate the getting out of the meaning, by way of finding his interests, the first person tells his interests so that the other person is more comfortable in sharing.. hence he happens to tell what he like and then asking effective it comes out like "I Like this.. what about you"

and then the most common words out of the conversation are "I Like You"

While the conversation was using the words "I Like You" the effective meaning was "Who are you" !!

=> How I thought of this one
I went to G.B. Pant University(There are a lot of memories and things that I can talk about that trip) for a paper presentation. In one of the contests, this question was there. What are the three most common words in any conversation. It was an interesting question, and by far the most thought provoking. I figured it was "I Like You" and I think it was the only thing that I wrote correct. The organisers had a different answer, I was very much satisfied with the answer I had come up with.

Recently having a conversation I asked the same very question
What do you think two strangers meet, they talk about ?
The answer was very different but a made a lot of sense also.
"Who are you?"

It sure does make a lot of sense to me...!!

NB : For those who are shy, for those who flirt, for those who want to say... I Like You...
I find this to be a very interesting way !!

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