Wednesday, March 21

Its hard to say GoodBye !!!

Is it hard to Say GoodBye ??

It is harder for the person who is staying behind then compared for the person who is leaving. No doubt the person who is leaving, does feel the pain of parting, but the pain is subdued by the fact that there is something else for which he is leaving. There is something else which is going to replace what he had present. Though the replacement may not fill the shoes completely, but atleast there is something else to look forward to. There is always that anticipation, which occupies the mind of the person. The 'What's in store' clouds the mind.

But for the person who is staying behind, for the person, who has to continue as if nothing happened, it may not be the same story. There is nothing more added only removed. There are no reasons for the anticipation to be driven, there are no next stops. Usually the person feels a void which is left after someone leaves, which is not present in the first case. It has been filled temporary with the feeling of going on to the next stop. That euphoria, which arises when you move to some place new, to some place afresh, to some you have been looking forward to.

1 comment:

Mechgagan said...

parting,separation,division words itself says the sorrow of lonelyness becoz they are like a cactus plant with two aparting branch.Now come to the road ,reading this blog of choco kid ,the first thing came to my grey cells is the day we are accepting the words apart,don't know what are those four years when we came to know each other like coconut a good combination of solid with water both are inside hardshell have their own taste.but don't know why tears comes when i always think that we are apart......